Hair Loss Men

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Hair Loss Men

Hair Loss Men Commiserate

Have you ever noticed that hair loss men tend to wear hats more? Two months ago you couldn't pay neighbor Dave to wear a hat, but today--you couldn't pay him to take it off.

At first you didn't think anything about it. "Brrrm..." roars Dave's riding tractor as he mows around the flower beds in his Cowboys cap. "Huh," you think, "it is pretty glary today."

Next, Dave shows you some pictures of his family vacation to Disney World. There's one with him in a red had and one of him in a blue cap. And whatta ya know? There's even one of him sporting the mouse ears! "Guess Dave's just really getting into his vacation," you conclude.

But then there's the undeniable telltale sign: One Saturday Dave emails you a Web cam of himself, telling you his football predictions, wearing a hat in his basement.

"Okay, that's him," you rationalize, "but this is me...and I will NOT allow myself to go bald!"

And so begins your quest for the true knowledge of hair loss treatments that will bring you a cure.


Hair Loss Men Deal with It

Did you know that 95% of men with thinning hair suffer from the inherited androgenetic form of male pattern baldness (MPB)? This means that you inherited hair follicles from Dear Old Dad that are genetically sensitive to the hormone DHT (dihydrotestosterone), causing them to shrink and close up, thereby producing thinning and eventually no hair growth.

The most effective DHT-blocker to date is the well-known ingredient minoxidil. Minoxidil is a applied directly to thinning patches twice a day. By blocking DHT, minoxidil keeps the hair follicle open to grow new hair.

Many homeopathic doctors recommend taking a daily supplement with your minoxidil topical treatment to boost the results. These supplements work from the inside out, making sure that you are not vitamin or mineral deficient.

Hair Loss Men Treatment Recommendations

Provillus For Men provides the double combination of daily topical and supplemental treatments for hair loss. To see for yourself how Provillus works, you can try a Free 2-Month Supply.